Meatball Turns 10!
Cold Springs Farm
New Ipswich, NH
Photos by Brie Morrissey | BLM Photography
“Every boy should have two things: a dog, and a mother willing to let him have one”
Meatball turned 10 and as usual Sprocket was right by his side in everything he does. Sprocket alerts Meatball (and his amazing mom Melissa) of potential seizures caused by his Epilepsy. Melissa owns Cold Springs Healing Paws, an amazing working dog program who specializes in training canines and handlers for the purpose of helping people with special needs as well as training and certifying canines for therapy work. As you can see from these photos, Sprocket is simply phenomenal at her job and Meatball isn’t slowed down AT ALL while Sprocket helps him every single day and allows him to live his life to the absolute fullest. This dude ROCKS on a dirt bike track and gives me the high praise of “you’re not that annoying because you like my dirtbikes and snowmobiles”. I can’t believe he is 10.. seems like yesterday he (and Sprocket) were tiny!